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Avoiding the Holiday Blues

Writer's picture:  Roanna Rhodes C.L.C. Roanna Rhodes C.L.C.

Last January as I took down the Christmas decorations I have to admit that I was more than a little disappointed with myself. It seemed as though the holiday season had just come to an end many of our family tradition went uncelebrated.

It was as though I had gotten bit by the Bah Humbug Bug.

Somehow or another I had run out of time and before I knew it the Christmas cheer I had had from years past had been sucked right out of me. How did I let this happen? Where had I chosen to spend my time over the holidays?

Maybe like some of you I began to feel overwhelmed and as a result procrastination sat in, Have you ever noticed that procrastination and overwhelm ping pong off each other?

Putting things off until the last minute or worst permanently!

This past year while I have been in life coach training I have learned a lot about time management and about getting things done, efficiently.

My goal for the 2018, holiday season is to spend more time with my family, celebrating family traditions, creating memories, and not feeling stressed burnout or overwhelmed. (I know it’s a BIG goal) But, I have used this time management technique throughout the year and it really does work.

And here is why:

Taking just an hour a week to plan my upcoming week saves me a lot of time, in the long run.

For example I’m no longer running to the grocery store 3 or 4 timed a week.

Knowing in advance what I am doing everyday helps keep me focused. As a result, I get so much done, and that feel amazing! And I want you to feel amazing too! SO Let’s get started.

Although the first part of this may seem very tedious, please

Trust me when I say “Proactive work makes everything so much easier.”

As you begin too set some priorities ask yourself the following questions:

How do I want to feel during the holiday season?





-I want to laugh more!



What are the things I really want to do during the month of December?

What can you do to create the feelings you want to have during the holiday season?


-Serve at a homeless shelter

-Bake Christmas Cookies with Emily

-Donate to a Nonprofit

-Host dinner Party

-Watch a Christmas Movie

In addition, asked each of my family members to pick one thing that they would like to do this Christmas.

Make sure you include every detail on your master list.

-Put your list in Order.

-Determine how much time everything will take.

-Add each item to your calendar with the set time frames included.

Make sure you set a realistic amount of time to do each activity.

I have noticed that if I have 5 minutes to fold laundry then I get it done in 5 minutes. However, if I watch TV while folding laundry, then it takes me about 30 minutes.

Do not forget to commit to some much needed “Me Time”

Take your calendar seriously and it will blow your mind with how much you can get done.

A few final thoughts…

Once you have done the work up front and scheduled everything the only thing left to do is to STICK TO IT.

Don’t give into the any self defeating thoughts like, “this is too hard” or “I can’t do it.” Learning time management is a skill once mastered you will become empowered as you begin to see how productive you can be.

Keep in mind anything that could jeopardize what you are trying to accomplish.

Wishing You All a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!!!



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