Are you struggling to create the life you want?
You're in the right place.
Roanna Rhodes Life Coach
For Such A Time As This...
It's no accident our paths have crossed.
You're here because you are ready to discover what is possible.
When clients come to me they want to know if ...
I can help them build stronger relationships? YES!
I can help them learn to be more confident? YES!
I can show them how to feel less stressed, worried, overwhelmed, and anxious? YES!
I can show them how to make time for yourself (without feeling guilty.)? YES!
I can show them how to control the negative chatter in your mind? YES!
I have helped them and now I can help you too!
The fastest way to get to where you want to go is to have someone show you how to get there.
This is your opportunity to learn how to walk in freedom and experience peace, love, joy and so much more
It can all start right now!
What do I teach?
Scriptural-based, scientifically proven, cognitive techniques that will equip you for rapid life-altering change and freedom
"When you think, you build thoughts and these become physical substances in your brain." ~Dr. Carol Leaf
Science is discovering what Scripture has told us all along. When you do not possess the skills needed to manage your thoughts you will be dictated by your emotions and the emotions of those around you.
Transformation thinking the renewing of our minds not only comes from reading Scripture but also from learning to direct the thoughts you are currently thinking so that you can create the results you want.
The problem is that we are not taught HOW to properly manage our minds.
I offer the solution by teaching you how to rewire your brain.
Have you tried to change your life by changing your actions or trying to change the actions of others? Here's the problem:
Changing others does not work.
Changing your actions will only result in temporary results, not transformation.
"As someone thinks within himself so he is." Proverbs 23:7
Your thoughts shape who you will become.
You must change your thoughts to get the results you want in your life.
There is a direct correlation between your mind (your thoughts) and your heart (your emotions)
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
Most of us were not taught how to take our thoughts captive. Or how to make them obedient to Christ.
Thoughts cause feelings cause actions cause results
Life-altering transformation occurs when we are taught HOW to examine our thoughts in a safe non-judgemental environment.
I provide that environment for you.
All meeting are confidential
All meetings are conducted in my virtual office on Zoom.
I was exactly where you are right now and I know exactly how to help you
You are tired of second-guessing your self, but you don't know how to stop.
You know you need help, but everything you have tried has not worked.
You think something in you is broken, and your ready to figure out what it is.
You are hesitant to confide in others and ask for help because you are afraid of being judged.
You know God has a plan for you, and want to figure out how to live your best life
A Renewed Mind + A Transformed Heart = Freedom

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